influence MARKETING

Fight Outmigration with Strategic Marketing

influence Marketing helps you retain more patients in your rural hospital instead of losing them to the big city.

✓ Reduce outmigration

✓ Keep more patients

✓ Retain additional revenue

influence Marketing helps you fight outmigration to the big city hospital.

We understand that non-urban hospitals like yours face unique challenges as they fight outmigration to the big city hospital up the road. The lure of “bigger is better” is a siren song to many in these communities, leading to significant outmigration numbers and millions of dollars leaving their community for services that could have been provided at your facility – right there, close to home.

We’ve helped hometown hospitals all across America to reduce outmigration and increase market share with field-tested strategies and all the marketing and measurement tools a hospital needs to be successful in the fight!

Perception is reality. Every customer or potential patient for your hospital or clinic has a perception already planted in their mind from the advertising, the experiences, and the numerous touches they have encountered. But is it reality? Does it line up with the true brand identity of your hospital? Knowing the answer to this question is the beginning of building a great brand.

SmartGROWTH Solution is influence Marketing’s cornerstone strategy to grow your hospital’s revenue and fight outmigration. This comprehensive program includes assessment, research, strategic planning, marketing brand development, creative messaging for appropriate media, ongoing monthly implementation and support, access to our unique Hospital AdBank resource, and much more!

Our Marketing Toolkit

With over 25 years of experience helping hospitals across America, we’ve developed multiple marketing tools designed specifically for hometown hospitals to reduce outmigration and increase market share.

Join our influence Marketing network

Join forces with influence Marketing to fight outmigration and keep patients close to home. Our proven strategies and comprehensive tools will help your hospital increase market share and provide essential services right in your community.